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Are there tuition fee waivers for student with disabily or SLD interested in enrolling in a Specialization School?

If you are a student enrolled on a Specialization Schools' course: 

  • with recognition of disability pursuant to art. 3, paragraph 1 of L. 104/92 by means of a report issued by INPS.   
  • with recognition of disability equal to or greater than 66% pursuant to art. 2 of L. 118/71 by means of a report issued by INPS. 

You will have to pay exclusively marca da bollo (revenue stamp) of 16.00 € by the first instalment payment due date.

N.B. There are no exemptions for disability between 50% and 65%.

N.B. There are no exemptions for student with recognition of disability pursuant to art. 3, paragraph 3 of L. 104/92 by means of a report issued by INPS.

N.B. There are no exemptions for students with SLD by L. 170/2010.

For further information contact [email protected] and [email protected].


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