The CONAI online course "Green Jobs 2023-2024" Call for Application has been extended

Data news
"Tra ciò che vuoi diventare e il tuo futuro c'è una bella differenza" Bando CONAI Green Jobs 2023-2024

CONAI, in collaboration with the University of Brescia, the University of Bergamo and the Università Cattolica – Alta Scuola per l’Ambiente, promotes the training course “Green Jobs 2023-2024: gestire i rifiuti nell’economia circolare” ("Green Jobs 2023-2024: managing waste in the economy circular").

Through this training course, CONAI intends to contribute to the development of skills and professional opportunities in environmental matters, with particular reference to the technological, scientific and economic aspects of the management, treatment, recovery and recycling of waste, such as packaging in particular, in order to encourage the professional placement of young graduates in the green economy sectors.

The course will be delivered in e-learning mode, live and remotely and is open to 90 participants completely free of charge.

The training course will take place in collaboration with ReteAmbiente Formazione and will be made up of 25 educational modules of 90 minutes each.

Lessons will begin on Monday, February 26th, 2024 and end on Friday, March 25th, 2024 (lessons will have the following times from 2.30pm to 4.00pm and from 4.15pm to 5.45pm) according to the calendar in the announcement.

At the end of the Course, participants who have followed at least 75% of the relevant modules live will be admitted to a final test to verify their learning carried out through a multiple choice test.

Participants who pass this final test will be issued a certificate of participation in the “Green Jobs 2023-2024: gestione dei rifiuti nell’economia circolare” ("Green Jobs 2023-2024: waste management in the circular economy") training course issued jointly by CONAI and the universities involved.

Anyone who, as of January 31st, 2024, meets the following requirements can apply for admission to the Course:

  • have not reached the age of 35;
  • have obtained a degree in any discipline and are residents or only domiciled in Lombardy or in Veneto;
  • have Italian citizenship or that of one of the member states of the European Union;
  • have not participated in previous editions of the Green Jobs training project.

Those interested in participating in the Call must send an application on plain paper by e-mail and exclusively to the address [email protected], within 2.00pm on January 31st, 2024, using the form attached to the Call, under penalty of inadmissibility of the application itself (Annex B) indicating in the subject: “Selezione Green Jobs 2023-2024”.

Last updated on: 30/01/2024