Invoiced the second instalment of the tuition fees for a.y. 2022/2023

Data news

It has been invoiced the second instalment of the tuition fees for a.y. 2022-2023, to be paid by January 15, 2023.

You must pay using the PagoPa method. The notice is available on your personal page, under Student Secretariat > Payments.

To obtain a fee reduction, it is necessary to submit to a CAAF or to the INPS the Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica (DSU) for the issue of the ISEE, by December 15 2022.

For more details, please consult the related page.


U.O.C. Immatricolazioni, certificazioni e tasse
[email protected]

Last updated on: 22/12/2022