A new cell of the immune system has been identified and its implications in autoimmune diseases and tumors are being examined

Data news
prof. Vermi

Professor William Vermi and his research team at the University of Brescia, in collaboration with Washington University, have identified a new immune system cell called RORgt. This cell, positively expressing the RORgt protein, has been identified as a precursor to dendritic cells involved in the immune response. The research focuses on the implications of these cells in autoimmune diseases, tumors, and infections, opening new avenues for studying their function and interaction with other immune cells. There is also a hypothesis of possible involvement in autoimmune intestinal diseases. The collaboration involves national and international partners, with particular attention from the Fondazione Valtrompia Cuore. The discovery has been published in the PNAS journal.

Last updated on: 27/03/2024