Wednesday 16 ottobre
Aula Falcone Borsellino, Palazzo delle Mercanzie
Corso Goffredo Mameli 27, Brescia
World leaders, gathered last September at the United Nations Summit of the Future, adopted the Pact for the Future. This document, which introduces a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations, complements the 2030 Agenda. By addressing topics such as peace and security, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender equality, youth, and future generations, the Pact also lays the groundwork for a transformation in global governance. It is, therefore, a crucial opportunity to develop international mechanisms that better reflect the realities of the 21st century.
The seminar, organized by the University of Brescia’s Research and Documentation Center for the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda (CRA2030) as a co-hosting institution of SDSN Italia, offers an initial analysis of the Pact for the Future by Professor Jeffrey Sachs and a deeper exploration of the topic of global education, presented by Professor Phoebe Koundouri.
9:45 Registration
10:00 Welcome & Opening
- Prof. Francesco Castelli
Rector of University of Brescia, Professor of Infectious Diseases, UNESCO Chair Training and Empowering Human Resources for health development in resource-limited countries
- Prof. Michele Pezzagno
Associate Professor of Urban and Landscape Planning - University of Brescia, Director of the University Research and Documentation Center for the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, Co-chair Sustainable Development Solution Network Italia
10:30 - 12:30 Guest speaker session
Chair: Prof. Maurizio Tira
Full Professor of Town and Regional Planning - University of Brescia, Member of the board of the European University Association (EUA), President of Consortium GARR, the Italian academic and research network
- Prof. Jeffrey Sachs
President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University
“The Global Pact for the Future”
- Prof. Phoebe Koundouri
Chair of the World Council of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists Associations; Chair of the SDSN Global Climate Hub; Chair of AE4RIA.
“Educating for Global Sustainability: Systems Leadership for a Resilient Future”