Observational study reveals correlation between occlusion and posture in workplace environments

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A recent study conducted at the Department of Medical-Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences, and Public Health has shed light on the significant link between occlusion and posture during work activities. Led by Professor Alessandra Majorana and Professor Elena Bardellini, the project examined the impact of proper posture on worker well-being and the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. It is well known that maintaining correct posture during work is crucial for physical health and workplace comfort. However, in recent years, the role of the oral cavity as a determining factor in posture has been increasingly recognized.
Craniofacial morphology, activity of masticatory muscles, and other aspects related to the oral cavity can influence cervical posture and overall postural control. The project, funded by Feralpi Group, involved over 400 volunteer employees at locations in Lonato, Calvisano, and Nave. Using state-of-the-art stabilometric-baropodometric platforms, researchers assessed correlations between postural alterations and intraoral occlusal data. Results highlighted that many of the aches and chronic pains reported by participants were associated with dysfunction of the "mouth receptor".
The study emphasized the importance of an interdisciplinary approach in addressing posture-related issues, with a particular focus on the role of dentists. By collaborating synergistically with other professionals, dentists can significantly contribute to the proper treatment of postural problems, especially in the workplace. This research represents an innovative example of how science can be applied to enhance well-being in work settings, offering new perspectives for the prevention and management of work-related musculoskeletal disorders.

Last updated on: 18/03/2024