The University Quality Council (PQA), in accordance with the "Guidelines for the quality assurance system in universities" approved by the ANVUR Governing Council on 13 February 2023, disseminates and promotes the culture of quality within a single Quality Assurance (QA) process, concerning aspects of teaching, research and the third mission/social impact. The PQA supports the University in the construction of QA processes and related procedures; it supervises and monitors the implementation of QA procedures; it proposes common tools and training activities on QA and support to Courses of study, PhDs and Departments; it prepares guidelines and documentation to support self-evaluation, assessment and review processes and supports the Athenaeum in process monitoring activities.
With reference to teaching activities, the PQA:
- organises the collection and verifies the continuous updating of the information contained in the SUA-CdS of each course of the Athenaeum
- monitors the surveys of students', undergraduates' and graduates' opinions;
- verifies the review activities and ensures the correct flow of information to and from the Evaluation Unit and the Joint Teachers-Students Commission;
- collects data for monitoring indicators, both qualitative and quantitative, and ensures the dissemination of the results.
With reference to research and third mission/social impact activities, the PQA:
- monitors and supervises the regular execution of the QA procedures in compliance with what has been declared and planned;
- ensures the correct flow of information to and from the Evaluation Unit.
The composition of the PQA is governed by the Regulations of the University Quality Assurance System (in Italian), approved by Rectoral Decree no. 404 of 16 April 2021.
Each Department has its own Quality Council: