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Who we are?

Valotti 3b

The staff working at the UOC Inclusion, Participation and University Residences (Disability and SLD) performs the role of administrative support to the Rector’s Delegate for Disabilities Prof. Eng. Alberto Arenghi ([email protected]) and that of the Secretariat for the University Commission for Disabilities which he chairs. For any kind of information you can send an email at [email protected].
Visit the link to know the composition of the Commission for Disabilities:

For any kind of information you can send an email to us at [email protected]

UOC Inclusion, Participation, and University Campus
Head Office
Sara Zuanon
[email protected]

Roberta Zani
[email protected]
Tel. 030 20 16 060

Staff from Cooperative Futura
Camilla Bolzoli
[email protected]
Tel. 030 20 16 094

Disability Manager
Daniela Fiordalisi
[email protected]
Tel. 030 20 16 057
Cel.334 11 75 317


UOC Inclusion, Participation and University Campus
Location: Via Valotti 3/B - 25133 Brescia
Opening: Monday - Thursday: 8.30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 12.00 a.m.

Support for Student with Disabilities and SLD
Mail: [email protected]

Support for University Commission for Disabilities
Mail: [email protected]

Tel. +39 0302016094
Tel. +39 0302016095
Tel. +39 0302016060

Service Desk online/ in presence:
Tuesdays 9:00-12:00 and Friday  9:00-12:00

Contact Center:
toll-free number 800 66 34 23
Monday-Friday: 8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

Please, open a ticket for information:

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