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Changing University

How to transfer from this university to another, procedure and deadlines.


If you intend transferring to another University:  

  1. Do not renew enrolment for the new academic year;  
  2. From 1 August 2024 to 16 October 2024 follow the online procedure from your personal page; the path is: Career > Transfer request;  
  3. You must pay the duty stamp of 16 Euro and the fee of 200 Euro for outgoing transfers, available under the heading “Payments”; 
  4. Lastly, you must upload the signed transfer request and a valid ID document under the heading “Career Annexes”; 
  5. If you are moving to a closed-number course, you will need to attach the waiver of the University of destination as well.  

To proceed, you must be up-to-date with payments of your fees and university contributions for every academic year of enrolment; you must not owe any outstanding amounts in respect of Study Entitlement, nor must you have any materials belonging to the University Library System in your possession.

If you did not renew enrolment in the last academic year, you should contact the career Management office concerned directly.

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