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DSMC - Teaching

The DSMC has teaching subjects in the course of Medicine and Surgery, in the healthcare professional courses, and in the courses of the scientific and biologic area.

It also has Specialisation Schools in the medical area.

The Department hosts a PhD programme entitled "Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Innovation in the Clinical and Methodological Research" in cooperation with the Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, where its administrative centre is located.

It is a programme ranging over several disciplines and leading to theoretical-practical skills in the frontier technologies of the biomedical, bioengineering, bioinformatic and Artificial Intelligence fields. It is organised into three curricula:

  • Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
  • Regenerative Medicine
  • Innovation in the clinic and methodologic research

We have first-level and second-level masters:

  • Nursing Vascular Access
  • Anesthesia, neonatal and pediatric intensive care
  • Clinic and microsurgical endodontics
  • Oncology drugs and radiotherapy: biology and clinical trial
  • Digital Dentistry
  • Growing in heart team
  • Advanced and Zygomatic Implantology

The DSMC's orientation activity coordinate with the entire medical area.

Prof. Davide Farina is Delegate for Orientation of the Department of Medicine and Surgery, Radiology and Public Health.

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