Economics (unrestricted access)

Second Cycle Degrees run by the department of Economics and Management are open access: there is no limit to enrolment numbers, but registration is subject to assessment of the candidate’s academic career, in order to ensure he or she meets specific curricular requisites and/or his/her own personal preparation is of a suitable standard (in the latter case, this will be assessed with a test).  

Second Cycle Degree Courses:

Analytics and Data Science for Economics and Management
Business Consultancy and Training for Professionals
- Marketing for Made in Italy
Money, Finance and Risk Management


A first-level degree is required to qualify for the pre-assessment entry process. The degree held must be in line with the subjects covered in the chosen Second Cycle degree.

In particular, applications may be submitted by candidates that have already obtained a first-level degree, undergraduates who are scheduled to graduate by 31 December 2024, holders of a First Cycle University diploma, holders of a four-year University degree and those who have a specialist or Second Cycle degree.

For students who hold a foreign qualification, admission will be subject to any presented documentation being valid, as per the regulations and provisions of the Italian Ministry of Education (M.U.R.): "Regulations of access to university courses for foreign students”. Specific guidelines for those who hold a foreign study qualification can be consulted on the website pages dedicated to admissions for international students.

Business Consultancy and Training for Professionals ; Management ; Money, Finance and Risk Management

The procedure for enrolling in the course is set out in the Call, which is published in the first round of entry tests.

The Call specifies:

  • entry requirements 
  • pre-assessment of minimum curricular requirements
  • method used for pre-assessment/online admission application
  • admission test, evaluation and publishing of results
  • guidelines for candidates with disabilities or learning disorders
  • how to enrol


2 July 2024 - first round of entry testing

17 September 2024 - second round of entry testing

The documents to be attached to the pre-assessment application can be downloaded from the Call page.


• If you are a UNIBS graduate/undergraduate in an Economics area course, you should only attach a copy of valid ID to the online procedure, as the academic career will be recorded automatically.

• If you are a UNIBS graduate/undergraduate not from an Economics area course, you must attach a copy of a valid form of ID to the online procedure along with the form setting out the curricular requirements for the chosen course; this form must be filled out and signed.  

• If you are a graduate/undergraduate from an Italian university other than UNIBS, you should attach the following to the online procedure:  
- a copy of a valid form of ID;
- the form setting out the curricular requirements for the chosen course (filled out and signed);
- the self-certification form for qualification and exams held (filled out and signed);
- any other documentation you feel useful for the purposes of pre-assessment.  

The attached documentation can be changed or added to up until the deadline indicated for enrolment in the Call. 

Analytics and data science for economics and management


The procedure for enrolling in the course is set out in the Call, which is published in the first round of entry tests.

The Call specifies:

  • entry requirements 
  • pre-assessment of minimum curricular requirements
  • method used for pre-assessment/online admission application
  • admission test, evaluation and publishing of results
  • guidelines for candidates with disabilities or learning disorders
  • how to enrol


15 July 2024 - first round of entry testing

17 September 2024 - second round of entry testing

Marketing for Made in Italy


The procedure for enrolling in the course is set out in the Call, which is published in the first round of entry tests.

The Call specifies:

  • entry requirements 
  • pre-assessment of minimum curricular requirements
  • method used for pre-assessment/online admission application
  • admission test, evaluation and publishing of results
  • guidelines for candidates with disabilities or learning disorders
  • how to enrol


2 July 2024 - first round of entry testing

17 September 2024 - second round of entry testing

Governance of the Public Administration


The procedure for enrolling in the course is set out in the Call, which is published in the first round of entry tests.

The Call specifies:

  • entry requirements 
  • pre-assessment of minimum curricular requirements
  • method used for pre-assessment/online admission application
  • admission interview, evaluation and publishing of results
  • guidelines for candidates with disabilities or learning disorders
  • how to enrol


12 settembre 2024 - first round of admission

24 ottobre 2024 - second round of admission


Last updated on: 21/06/2024