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PhD Secretariat

The PhD Secretariat provides useful administrative information to manage your PhD student's career.

You can contact us to get news and information about:

  • PhD academic offer and programmes;
  • Admission procedures; 
  • PhD career certificates; 
  • Rules, regulation, enrolment and tuition fees;
  • International Mobility - specific rules for PhD students.

Write to: [email protected]

Secretariat's opening times by appointment only:

Wednesdays 10.00 - 12.00 hours.

To fix an appointment please write to: [email protected] , motivate the request (topic)  


Dott.ssa Ms. Fabiana Farro (PhD Officer in Charge)

Ph. +39 030.2988866 / Office Mobile: ​334 1175620, [email protected]

Dott.ssa Ms. Sara Ortelli, Ph. +39 030.2988733, [email protected]

Mrs. Milena Gatti, Ph. +39 030.2988766, [email protected]

Ms. Mehwish Shahbaz, +39 030.2988860, [email protected]


Call Center Infostudente available for general enquiries and at the web link

You can call the toll-free number from both landline and mobile and you will receive general information about all University services.

Available service from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 18:00 hours, Italian time (operators will answer from Italy).



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