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Procedures to achieve the PhD Degree

Procedures, calendar and forms

Pursuant to Art. 17, paragraph 1 of UNIBS PhD Regulations in force since March 29, 2022, approved with Rector's Decree no. 294/2022

The PhD Degree, resulting in the academic qualification Doctor of Research (abbreviated in Italian to "Dott. Ric." Or "Ph.D.") is the outcome of the positive evaluation of three-years PhD research thesis that contributes to the advancement of knowledge or methodologies in the chosen field of investigation.


Find enclosed the procedures, forms to fill in and the calendar to achieve the PhD Degree at UniBS, pursuant to Art. 17 of UNIBS PhD Regulations in force.

Conseguire il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca
To Achieve the PhD Degree
Tesi di dottorato in co-tutela
PhD Double Degree (PhD Dissertation in co-supervision)
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