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Direct recognition

Italian Universities are the competent bodies that assess academic qualifications achieved abroad for the purpose of Direct recognition (nostrification), in order to award Italian academic degrees without further mandatory exams to be taken. Universities perform the process within their autonomy and in compliance with their respective legislation, without prejudice to bilateral agreements on the subject.

They refer to the Lisbon Convention of 11 April 1997, ratified in Italy with Law no. 148/2002.

Pursuant to art. no. 2 and 3 of Law no. 148/2002, the full validation of a foreign qualification (Direct recognition) results in issuing the corresponding Italian degree, having legal value in our system. The full validation is granted only if, following analytical examination of a qualification obtained abroad, both educational activities and relevant contents correspond in a detailed and complete manner to the Italian qualification for which the request is submitted.

Conditions for submitting the application

Application for Direct recognition can be submitted only if all the following conditions occur:

  • in the University of Brescia educational offer, at the time of the request, the course of study that issues the requested equivalent qualification must be active
  • the foreign qualification
    - must have been issued by universities or by post-secondary upper education institutions that officially belong to the local education system
    - must be an official academic degree of the reference system
    - must be comparable to the First cycle QF-EHEA / 6° EQF level or Second cycle QF-EHEA / 7° EQF level
    - must allow access university studies at the subsequent level -  comparable to the Second cycle QF-EHEA / 7° EQF level or Third cycle QF-EHEA / 8° EQF level - within the education system that issued it

Italian language proficiency

In the event that recognition is requested in relation to a study programme offered in Italian language, non-EU citizens residing abroad must  prove their Italian proficiency at B2 CEFR level, as indicated in the annual provisions of the Ministry of University and Research: a certificate of level B2 or higher issued as part of the CLIQ quality system is required.

Knowledge of the Italian language is not required for admission to Corsi di laurea magistrale (master's degrees)  taught in English.     

English language proficiency

If the recognition refers to a Corso di laurea magistrale (master's degree) in Economics, Engineering and Law areas, also proficiency in English language to at least level B1 CEFR (Common european framework of reference for languages) is required. Instead of the official certification of English language proficiency, study programmes can accept candidates who attended their educational pathway in English or passed English language examinations during their academic studies. Detailed information are provided in the Teaching Regulations that can be viewed in the web page dedicated to the study programme.

Application and documents to be attached

The application form could be received upon sending an email to [email protected]

The request must be accompanied by the necessary documentation for the detailed analysis of the study path: 

  • original Diploma of upper-secondary school and School report in original language and officially translated in Italian or English
  • original Diploma and School report must be legalized by local authorities and must be accompanied by the Declaration of value issued by the Italian Representation in the country relevant to the attended education system
  • original Diploma and Transcript of records referring to the academic degree achieved, in original language and officially translated in Italian or English
  • original Diploma and Transcript of records must be legalized by local authorities and must be accompanied by the Declaration of value prepared by the competent Italian Representation in the country where the qualification was achieved
  • detailed programmes in original language of the exams taken (Syllabus) must bear foreign University stamp and have to be officially translated in Italian or English
  • the final dissertation possibly discussed in order to obtain the foreign academic degree is accepted in full or summarised version and in soft or paper copy, and must be officially translated in Italian or English

If Direct recognition is requested for an Italian Corso di laurea magistrale (master's degree), the documents relating to the upper-secondary school diploma, the first level academic qualification and the second level academic qualification obtained abroad must be submitted.


The application for Direct recognition provides for the payment of an initial contribution, the amount of which is approved annually by the academic authorities and which is not refundable whatever the outcome of the assessment.

A further mandatory fee also decided yearly is envisaged when the direct recognition will be approved.



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