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Double Degree - Mechatronic Systems for Rehabilitation

The double degree project “Mechatronic Systems for Rehabilitation” is developed by our university in collaboration with UPMC Sorbonne Universités.
It is aimed primarily at students of the specialist / master's degree course in Industrial Automation Engineering.

Unibs and UPMC students share two training semesters (60 credits): the second semester of the 1st year at Unibs and the 1st semester of the second year at UPMC Sorbonne Université. 

Upon succesful completion of the agreed programme, students will obtain both the Italian and French degrees.

The international relations service at both Universities will help participants in all practical matters (paperwork, language courses, life on campus, integration in the city). Students will have priority in the assignment of affiliated accommodation.

For more information, you can contact the following:

prof. Giovanni Legnani [email protected], Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Dept.
prof.ssa Monica Tiboni [email protected], Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Dept.
prof. Emilio Sardini [email protected], Department of Information Engineering
prof. Antonio Visioli [email protected], Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Dept.
Gerard Sou, ISIR Sorbonne Universite [email protected]
Ludovic Saint-Bauzel, ISIR Sorbonne Universite [email protected]

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