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former Brixia

ex brixia

The history of the Brixia cinema-theatre, inaugurated in September 1949 in Via S. Faustino, next to the Basilica of the patron saints of the city, is almost certainly linked to the Benedictine monastery of St. Faustino Maggiore, even if only as a peripheral property outside its perimeter, and, in more recent times, to the adjoining building with entrance from Via Pozzo dell'Olmo. 

The hall was able to accommodate about eight hundred spectators, including seats in the stalls and in the gallery.

Permanently closed in June 1981, the building was purchased in 2001 by the University of Brescia with the aim of enhancing once again its spaces and returning them to the city and its students. The renovation project, entrusted to the architects Mariano Donati and Riccardo Franceschi, involved the conservation of the existing outer walls.

The building now houses the classrooms and the computer labs of the Department of Economics and Management.

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