We are the tutors of the Departments Engineering and we want to be of valuable support to you during your university career.
We are available for:
- Information and support for access to University services available to students;
- Information to prepare the study plan,
- Information on pre-requisites in exams,
- Information on the organization and retrieval of educational material,
- Relations with the offices,
- Relations with the Didactic UOC,
- Relations with academic bodies,
- Support for orientation activities organized within the various study courses;
Front-office assistance is usually held from Monday to Friday from 09:30 to 17:30 in the Tutor room, located in the building in Via Branze 38, in front of the concierge.
An information area reserved only for students of the University of Brescia and managed directly by the Tutors is active on the university's moodle system:
To access the information area, follow the link:
Click on Institutional Courses
In the information area there are:
- Calendar of the tutor room with any changes in schedule compared to the standard schedule recorded;
- A forum with general information;
- A forum with specific information pertaining study plans
Students can only browse forums and cannot post discussions.
Discussions can only be posted by tutors.
Our contact details:
- Telephone 030 / 3715906
- mail [email protected]
The teachers responsible for the Tutor Service:
- DIMI - Professor Giovanni Incerti ([email protected])
- DII - Professor Emiliano Sisinni ([email protected])
- DICATAM - Professoressa Carlotta Coccoli ([email protected])