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Application procedures for students with Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)


Application procedures for students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD)

To receive all the services provided by UOC Inclusion, Participation, and University Campus you have to upload on the ESSE3 website your disability certification recognized by L. 170/2010.

To upload the documents on Esse3, click on Menù> Registrar's Office> Invalidity Declaration.

While uploading the certificate, you will be asked to select the category that reflects your condition, you can choose "Specific Learning Disorders". In case of doubts you can always contact [email protected] 

Here there are the instruction to upload the certificate:

Verifica di seguito quali sono i requisiti della documentazione da fornire:

When submitting your disability application, you will be asked to provide the following consents:

You will be able to upload the documentation during registration, during application to a course, during matriculation, or during your university career. 

The following links provide the relative instructions:

Enrollment in years following the first one for students with a SLD

Are you a student with SLD by L. 170/2010 has to renew their enrollment at the University of Brescia and you need support?

If the document presented during the enrollment in your first year is still valid it is not necessary to upload it again on your Esse3 page.

In case of Specific Learning Disorders, as established by L. 170/2010 (art. 3) and the subsequent Accordo Stato Regioni del 25/7/2012, it is necessary to produce suitable updated diagnostic certification, including neurological examination and neuropsychological tests, issued no more than 3 years ago by structures of the Italian National Healthcare System or by structures and specialists accredited by this institution.

To upload the documents on Esse3, click on Menù> Registrar's Office> Invalidity Declaration.

While uploading the certificate, you will be asked to select the category that reflects your condition, you can choose "Specific Learning Disorders". In case of doubts you can always contact [email protected] 

Here there are the instruction to upload the certificate:

When submitting your disability application, you will be asked to provide the following consents:

If you have already given consent, you will find a summary screen and will be asked to confirm and continue.

To do the enrollment in years following the first one press on Menù>Registrar's Office>Registrations. 


UOC Inclusion, Participation and University Campus

Via Valotti 3/B - 25133 Brescia

Support for: students with disabilities and SLD

[email protected]

Support for: University Commission for Disabilities

[email protected]

Monday - Thursday: 8.30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 12.00 a.m.

Tel. +39 0302016094
Tel. +39 0302016095
Tel. +39 0302016060

Service Desk online/ in presence:
Tuesdays 9:00-12:00 and Friday  9:00-12:00

Contact Center:
toll-free number 800 66 34 23
Monday-Friday: 8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

Please, open a ticket for information:

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