All the FAQs of the category
All the FAQs of the category Borsa di Studio (DSU)
All the FAQs of the category Inclusione
Are there specific facilitation about the Right to study fo student with disabily or SLD?

Please, for any information about specific facilitation about the Right to study fo student with disabily, please consult the call for applications for access to right to study services published each academic year under the menu item Opportunities and Services > Right to Study > Scholarships and Awards > DSU Announcements. 
Please contact the UOC Diritto allo Studio (Right to Study Unit) via info studente 

There are not specific facilitation about the Right to study fo student with SLD. For any information, please contact the UOC Diritto allo Studio (Right to Study Unit) via info studente

Last updated on: 30/05/2023