Welcome Day Erasmus Incoming - February 2022

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Welcome Day Erasmus

The welcome event for the Erasmus incoming students for the second semester 2021/2022 will take place on Tuesday 22nd February 2022.

The event is going to be in presence, in the Aula Magna of the Law Department starting from 11 am.


  • Prof. Maurzio Tira, Rector
  • Prof. Annalisa Zanola, Rector's Delegate for Language Teaching and Training
  • Prof. Arianna Coniglio, Rector's Delegate for Educational Activities and Specialisation Schools
  • Prof. Roberto Ranzi, Rector’s Delegate for International Affairs and Development Cooperation

 the erasmus departmental coordinators:

  • Prof. Francesco Gringoli, Coordinator for the Dept of Information Engineering 
  • Prof. Mattia Guerini, referent for Erasmus Incoming students for the Department of Economics and Management
  • Prof. Stefano Rebay, Coordinator for the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 
  • Prof. Moreno Crotti Partel, referent for the Degree Course in Nursing 

For the project Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree EMIMEO - Innovative Microwave Electronics and Optics we will have:

  • Prof. Costantino De Angelis, Coordinator of the project for Unibs
  • Dott. Frédéric Fabre, Project Manager EMIMEO from Université de Limoges

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) association will close the meeting presenting the programme of the activities planned for the exchange students.

After the meeting the students are invited to attend a guided tour in english language in the city center.

The Erasmus incoming students hosted in Brescia for the current semester are around 40 and they come from all over Europe: Germany, France, Spain, Romania, Turkey and UK. The most chosen Department is Engineering, followed by Economics and Management, Law and Medical Area.

Beside them, Unibs will also welcome 20 students coming from all over the world (Brazil, Ecuador, Kazakhstan, Morrocco, India, Bangladesh, Honduras, Iran, Tunisia) participating in the EMIMEO - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree. These student, after one semester spent at Université de Limoges, will spend the second semester at UNIBS, where they will be enrolled in the Master's Degree in Communication Technologies and Multimedia. 

Thanks to the cooperation between the University and the City Council, all the students will receive a free pass for urban transportation.

Last updated on: 22/07/2024