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Law | Calini ai Fiumi Palace


Palazzo Calini ai Fiumi was built in the 15th century near the confluence of the two ancient Bova and Dragone urban watercourses, and is the result of the merging of the buildings that the noble Brescian Calini family purchased and  renovated  over  the  centuries.

The construction of the complex began at the initiative of the Avogadro family  of  Valtrompia.

The residence still conserves several large halls in the late-Gothic style, including one on the ground level, featuring a portal with pointed-arches overlooking Vicolo dell'Anguilla, that currently serves as a reading room of the  Department  of  Law.

The building near via Battaglie was renovated by the Calini family in the mid 16th century, with the addition of an arcade composed of bell-shaped capitals  and  airy,  rounded  arches.

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