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Cross border Doctoral Workshop 2022 - Prepare your professional career outside Academia

Call to select no. 5 PhD students and Doctors "Cross border Doctoral Workshop"

Candidatures are open to apply for the "Cross border Doctoral Workshop - Prepare your professional career outside Academia" for a total of 5 posts available to PhD students and Doctors of the University of Brescia enrolled in the second and third A.Y.  2021/2022.

Register online by filling-in the Google Form

Registrations close on July, 1st 2022

Participation of PhD students and Doctors is completely free of charge.

The event is financed by the University of Lyon (France), the Western Swiss Universities (CUSO) and by the Universities of Turin, Brescia and the Genoa Italian Institute of Technology (Italy).

The aim of the event is to support PhDs to develop a post-doctoral career outside the academy (university career as such), to increase their employability and strengthen their ability to spend their PhD Degree in the public and private sectors. The action is consistent with the programmatic lines of the University Strategic Plan, aimed at creating training opportunities with a view to expanding career options for PhD students and candidates.

The multicultural and multidisciplinary workshop will be held online, in double language (French and English) on September 26th, 27th and 29th 2022.

Practical workshops, job interview simulations and virtual meetings with company representatives await you. You will have the opportunity to work in groups on your professional future, your skills, your CV and other job application tools, as well as to prepare a recruitment interview.

Read the Call !

For further information contact the PhD Secretariat at [email protected]

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