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Joint Commission

commissione paritetica

The Teacher-Student Joint Commission monitors the educational offer and quality of teaching, as well as the service provided to students by professors and researchers; it contributes to the identification of indicators for assessing the results of the above-mentioned activities and formulates opinions on the activation and discontinuation of study courses. Every year it prepares a report proposing lines of action for the improvement of the quality of teaching structures, also considering the positioning of the study courses pertaining to the Department with respect to professional and occupational outlets.

Teacher Components:

Prof. Giovanni Metelli (coordinator)
Prof. Barbara Badian
Dott. Laura Giagnoni
Prof. Hynek Kovarik
Prof. Olivia Longo
Dott. Giulia Valerio
Prof .Elena Vuk

Student Components:

Isabella Albani
Filippo Chiappini
Camilla Colombini
Camilla Corridori
Pietro Fontana
Stefano Frugoni
Aurora Lako



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