The Department's governing bodies.
The director of the Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural, Engineering, and Mathematics (DICATAM) Giorgio Bertanza.
The Director is assisted by the Department Council chaired by him. The Department Council is the decision-making body of the Department: it avails itself, for its deliberations, of the advice of permanent or temporary Commissions.
The Administrative Secretariat headed by Dr. Pietro Toto carries out the tasks of administrative support to the Department.
The Department is the structure delegated to coordinate the research activities that are carried out by the various Research Groups which, in turn, operate in Laboratories. To maintain research quality, the Department is supported by the Research Quality Presidium chaired by Professor Lorenzo Bardella
The Department is also the structure delegated to carry out all teaching activities. It is supervised by:
- the Council of Aggregate Studies Courses of Civil and Environmental Engineering, chaired by Professor Michela Tiboni,
- the Board of the Degree Course in Building Engineering-Architecture chaired by Professor Michèle Pezzagno,
- the Board of the Degree Program in Sustainable Agricultural Systems chaired by Professor Gianni Gilioli,
- the Board of the Study Course in Building Techniques chaired by Professor Giovanni Plizzari.
The Councils of Aggregate Studies Courses are assisted by the Didactic Secretariat directed by Dr. Lorena Bertoletti.
The quality of the Department is subject to analysis by the Department of Quality Control. The person in charge is Professor Fabio Luterotti.
By regulation, the Department Quality Presidium is made up of three Coordinators (of research activities - Professor Marco Pilotti, of third mission activities - Professor Giovanni Plizzari, of teaching - Professor Fabio Luterotti), plus two professors for research, two teachers for teaching and two for the third mission.
Finally, the Teacher-Student Joint Commission chaired by Professor Barbara Badiani evaluates the work of the Degree Programs and reports the results of the evaluation and suggestions for cyclical reviews to the Councils of Aggregate Studies Courses and the University Evaluation Unit.