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Ph.D Programme DICACIM

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The Department of Civil, Environment, Architectural  Engineering, and Mathematics hosts. 

The Ph.D. Programme in Civil, Environmental Engineering, International Cooperation and Mathematics (DICACIM).

Born in 2012 from the merger of pre-existing Ph.D. courses, DICACIM is now organized in six curricula that deepen the main research themes of DICATAM with an interdisciplinary scientific approach.

Coordinator: Professor  Marco Pilotti

Co-coordinatorProfessor Marta Maria Sesana 

Curricula and coordinators:

  • Natural Risks Assessment and Management (main advisor Professor Roberto Ranzi, program assistant  Professor Giovanna Grossi)
  • Mathematical Methods and Models for Engineering (main advisor Professor Paolo Secchi,  program assistant Professor  Hynek Kovarik
  • Appropriate methodologies and techniques in international development cooperation (main advisor e program assistant Professor Sabrina Sorlini) 
  • Urban planning and Mobility (main advisor Professor Michela Tiboni, program assistant  Professor Michèle Pezzagno
  • Structural Rehabilitation of Historical and Modern Buildings (main advisor Professor Giovanni Plizzari,  program assistant Professor  Fausto Minelli)  
  • Technologies and processes for the environment and agriculture (starting from the XXXVII cycle) (main advisor  Professor Giorgio Bertanza,  program assistant Professor Stefano Barontini)


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