DICATAM - Civic Engagement

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Alongside the two fundamental objectives of teaching and research, the Department of Civil, Environment, Architectural  Engineering, and Mathematics, in agreement with the University, pursues a Third Mission, that is, it works to favor direct application, enhancement, and use of knowledge for the social, economic and cultural development of the Society, with particular attention to the territory.

This includes activities of transforming the knowledge generated by research into knowledge useful for production purposes, such as research on behalf of third parties and the creation of new entrepreneurship and technology transfer. Civic Engagement also includes scientific dissemination activities such as the organization of cultural events, continuous training, seminars, and, in general, Public Engagement in addition to publicity activities.

In this perspective, like every structure within the University, the DICATAM is committed to communicating and disseminating knowledge through a direct relationship with the territory and with all its actors.

 Prof. Giovanni PlizzarCoordinator of Civic Engagement for the DICATAM

Last updated on: 13/04/2023