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Validating prior studies after changing course


After carefully reading the rules for recognising exams sustained in prior degree courses, you must book an appointment with the Career Management Office for Economics and Law. 

The forms are available from the Forms page:

Rules for recognising exams obtained in economic studies courses
Rules for recognising exams obtained in law studies courses


Validation of any exams already completed in the previous academic career is deliberated by the Joint Programme Board (CCSA) concerned. The student does not need to present any specific written request.
To find out more about the year of admission, exams, recognised CFU credits and to define the study plan, the student must refer to the Committee of lecturers established for the purpose by the CCSA of the Department responsible for the degree course in question. 

For Single Cycle degree courses in construction engineering-architecture: to obtain recognition of any exams already completed and CFU credits acquired in the previous study course, the student should follow the guidelines set out in the transfer Call.  The year of enrolment, validation of exams and CFUs and assignment of a study plan are the responsibility of the Committee of lecturers formed by the Department to assess the academic requirements of candidates.


If you are requesting a transfer to a course in the medical department and you have completed exams in your course of origin for which you wish to request validation, after completing enrolment in your course of destination, you must present the following:

  • to the Student Admin office: the form entitled "Application for abbreviation/career recognition for medical studies", available in the medical area of the Forms page, to be filled out and signed (obligatory for all degree courses);
  • to the Teaching Office of the course concerned: the student must submit schedules of any exams already completed, along with any further documentation (for more details, consult the page of your Degree Course > Enrolling).

The decision whether to recognise any credits acquired in the academic career of origin is left to the discretion of the Programme Board of the course of destination.

For any further information, ask for an appointment with the Career Management Office of the medical department.

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U.O.C.C. Segreterie Studenti
Gestione delle carriere
Via S. Faustino, 74/b - 25122 Brescia

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