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Diploma supplement

The Diploma Supplement (DS) is a transparency instrument developed by the Council of Europe, the European Commission and UNESCO-CEPES between 1996 and 1998.

It forms an integral part of three important initiatives in the field of higher education internationalisation and of the recognition of qualifications across borders: the Lisbon Convention, the Bologna Process and Europass.

The Diploma supplement is issued by upon achievement of an academic qualification: it provides information in Italian and English language about

  • graduate personal data
  • name and type of the higher education institution that issued the qualification
  • nature and level of the qualification according to Italian Qualification framework EHEA and European Qualification framework EQF
  • requirements for admission to the completed study programme
  • learning outcomes
  • contents of educational pathway (passed exams with scores and credits, joint mobility programmes abroad, final dissertation title, extracurricular exams)
  • rights bestowed (utilization for further studies or in the workplace)
  • information about the Italian higher education system in force

The document is free from any value judgements about the qualification or the educational pathway or the graduate himself. It does not propose comparability statements or suggestions about recognition.
However, it helps higher education institutions, employers and recognition authorities easily understand graduate's skills and competence and also the qualification nature and level.


Request for the Diploma supplement

The Diploma supplement is issued in Italian and English language for study programmes belonging to educational systems pursuant to Ministerial decrees 509/99 and 270/04. It is exempt from stamp duty

To ask for issuance:
1. download the form for requesting certificates from “Modulistica della segreteria studenti", section "Modulistica generale";
2. fill in and sign the form and send it to [email protected]  along with a scanned copy of your identity card or passport

The appointed office will send the Diploma supplement via email.

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