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Almalaurea questionnaire

University of Brescia and AlmaLaurea ask those who are graduating at the University to fill out an online questionnaire. Its aims are two-fold: 

  • to gather evaluations and opinions regarding the university experience being concluded, in order to monitor the study paths of students, and analyse the characteristics and performance of graduates, thereby enhancing the education provided by the university. The results of surveys can be consulted on the AlmaLaurea portal; 
  • to acquire the student’s curriculum vitae in order to facilitate his or her entrance in the job market; from this standpoint, the data of students wishing to avail of this opportunity will be made available to organisations and companies requesting them.  

Answers given to the questionnaire will be used solely for statistical purposes. They will be collected and transferred to the university wholly in keeping with data privacy rules (Law Decree 196/2003). 

Before presenting the graduation request, you must first fill out the online questionnaire. 

The link to the questionnaire for imminent graduates is available in your personal page as follows: Degree> Almalaurea> Access AlmaLaurea. 

When enrolling, you will be given credentials to access the AlmaLaurea site directly. 

If you have any problems filling out the Questionnaire, please contact AlmaLaurea 

During enrolment you will be asked whether you wish to render your curriculum visible to companies and organisations to facilitate your entry in the job market.  
You can keep your curriculum vitae up to date and decide as and when required whether to render it less visible, whilst maintaining the option of answering job adverts.

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