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Useful advice for teachers in managing students with disabilities and specific learning disorder

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This space is designed to provide useful advice to teachers in managing students with disabilities and SLD.


5 days before the end of the session, the teacher will receive an email with those registered for the session and the aids chosen by the individual student.

The following aids require approval via ticket:

  • Concept maps and forms, attaching the PDF of the concept maps and forms that you would like to use;
  • Division of the exam into several parts;
  • Change of mode from oral to written;
  • Change of mode from written to oral.

The requests below will be managed directly by the office which will contact the teacher and the student for practical/organizational questions:

  • Reader/writer tutor;
  • LIS interpreter;
  • Use of the PC owned by the student or the office (if it is necessary to change mode and support from the office is necessary);
  • Video magnifier.


The other aids, not indicated in the previous points, will be granted automatically, unless otherwise indicated by the teacher.


Requests for aids received subsequently may not be taken into consideration.


The teacher must explicitly confirm the granting of the following aids:

  • Concept maps and forms, attaching the PDF of the concept maps and forms that you would like to use;
  • Division of the exam into several parts;
  • Change of mode from oral to written;
  • Change of mode from written to oral.
  • In the cases above, the teacher will receive an email with a ticket via Servicedesk opened by the student and taken care of by the office.

In the cases above, the teacher will receive an email with a ticket via Servicedesk opened by the student and taken care of by the office.

The aids indicated above, even if selected when registering for the exam by the candidate in Esse3, must still be accompanied by the sending of a ticket via the Service Desk within 10 days prior to the date of the test.

ATTENTION: The teacher must validate the attachment, or reject it, proposing any changes or justifying the reason for his decision not to grant this aid.


UOC Inclusion, Participation and University Campus
Location: Via Valotti 3/B - 25133 Brescia
Opening: Monday - Thursday: 8.30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 12.00 a.m.

Support for University Commission for Disabilities
Mail: [email protected]

Tel. +39 0302016060

Managing examinations for students with disabilities and DSA
Mail: [email protected]

Economic and Engineering Area
Tel. +39 0302016094

Medical Area and Legal Area
Tel. +39 0302016095

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