CIMEA (Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence), official italian member of ENIC/NARIC network, manages Diplome portal for holders of foreign qualifications aiming at asking for recognition in Italy.
According to the education systems their foreign qualification belongs to, candidates could download the ARDI Statement of correspondence free of charge or apply for issuance of the Statement of verification and / or the Statement of comparability, upon verification by CIMEA offices of documents referring to their qualification and after the payment of the costs involved.
ARDI Statement of correspondence deals with general information concerning foreign qualification nature and rights in the relevant educational system: the statmeent is not required by our University to complete the enrollment process.
Differently, the Statement of comparability and the Statement of verification might be submitted by candidates to the International students admission unit at Università degli studi di Brescia in order to have their enrollment confirmed:
- the Statement of verification is accepted instead of the Legalization of foreign qualifications
- the Statement of comparability covers for the Declaration of value prepared by Italian Representations abroad
Request for CIMEA statements
Candidates can ask CIMEA offices for the Statement of verification and/or the Statement of comparability using Diplome platform fully offered in English language.
Information about the costs involved are detailed on the platform.
Candidates aiming to enroll at Università degli studi di Brescia can activate their account to autonomously manage contacts with CIMEA credential evaluators.