Gep Team
The GEP Team responsible for drafting the Gender Equality Plan is established by resolution No. 254 of 13 December 2021 of the Academic Senate and is composed as follows:
Carlo Alberto Romano, Rector's Delegate
Mariasole Bannò, Scientific Coordinator
Cristina Alessi, CUG and CRUI President Delegate
Assunta Beatrice
Anna Brescianini
Niccolò Casnici
Marta Cremaschi
Chiara Fiorentini
Simona Franzoni
Luciana Guaglianone
Alessandra Majorana
Ida Mendini
Tiziana Alessandra Milani
Alessandra Minelli
Maria Laura Parisi
Giovanna Piovani
Susanna Pozzolo
Esmeralda Rossi
Silvia Sidoli
Marco Tononi
Stefania Venturi
Marika Vezzoli
Giacomo Viggiani
The “Guidelines for the development of Gender Equality Plan in Italian Universities”, edited by the GEP Working Group of the CRUI Commission on Gender Issues approved at the CRUI General Assembly on 22 July 2021, was taken into consideration when drafting the GEP.