Other services:
If you are a student with a specific learning disability (SLD) pursuant to L. 170/2010, after attaching your documentation and completing the privacy policy:
You can request one or more of the following services by sending an email to [email protected]:
- Support in the enrollment and matriculation process;
- Research of books in digital format;
- Definition of examination aids based on the documentation that has been provided;
- Sensus Access – convert files to accessible format;
- A valuable aid in individual study can be SuperMappeX
- Possibility of using technical, IT and teaching aids for the duration of the degree course, both at the University and at home, granted on free loan to students only after final enrollment, also on the basis of the appropriate assessment of the student's financial situation;
- Possibility to record lessons if granted by the teacher.
Note that the University of Brescia does NOT provide coaching in individual study either at home or in class.
By sending an email to [email protected], you can instead take advantage of the Support Service for First Year Students:
UOC Inclusion, Participation and University Campus
Via Valotti 3/B - 25133 Brescia
Support for: students with disabilities and SLD
Support for: University Commission for Disabilities
Monday - Thursday: 8.30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 12.00 a.m.
Tel. +39 0302016094
Tel. +39 0302016095
Tel. +39 0302016060
Service Desk online/ in presence:
Tuesdays 9:00-12:00 and Friday 9:00-12:00
Contact Center:
toll-free number 800 66 34 23
Monday-Friday: 8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
Please, open a ticket for information: