SensusAccess is a one-stop self-service. SensusAccess allows unibs's students, faculty and staff to automatically convert documents into a range of alternate media including audio books (MP3 and DAISY), e-books (EPUB, EPUB3 and Mobi), digital Braille, BeeLine.
The service can also be used to translate one language into another language and convert inaccessible documents such as image-only PDF files, JPG pictures, and Microsoft PowerPoint presentations into more accessible and less tricky formats.
The sent documents will be automatically deleted when the conversion is complete.
The processed file will be available for 7 days. After this term, the processing will be automatically canceled from the server.
Students and the entire academic community of the University of Brescia can use their institutional e-mail address (@unibs.it – @studenti.unibs.it).
Click on the following link to use Sensus Access:
Terms of use
Use of the SensusAccess service is subject to the following terms and conditions:
• SensusAccess must only be used for non-commercial purposes.
• The end user is the only responsible for any copyright infringement. The end user is authorized to use the converted file in an accessible format only and exclusively for personal use.
• Neither the UOC Inclusion, Participation and University Residences and the SBA, nor SensusApS/Cenfor International will be held responsible for any information disclosed and/or used improperly.
• Users must use the service in accordance with copyright legislation for the jurisdiction in which the subscribing institution is located.
• Users should not upload any personal and/or sensitive information to the service for conversion.
Protection of personal data
• SensusAccess© is a service provided by a third party. Information on the processing of personal data by SensusAps can be found at the following link: https://sensusaccess.blogspot.com/
• The University of Brescia’s information on the processing of data are available at the following link: https://www.unibs.it/it/protezione-dati-personali

Condizioni d’uso
L’uso del servizio è soggetto ai seguenti termini e condizioni:
- Il presente servizio è fornito esclusivamente per uso educativo, didattico e non commerciale.
- La responsabilità relativamente a eventuali violazioni del copyright è dell’utente finale. L’utente finale è autorizzato ad utilizzare il file convertito in formato accessibile solo ed esclusivamente ad uso personale.
- Né la UOC Inclusione, Partecipazione e Residenze Universitarie e lo SBA, né SensusApS/Cenfor International saranno ritenuti responsabili per qualsiasi informazione divulgata e/o utilizzata in modo improprio
- L’utente finale è responsabile della custodia del materiale reso disponibile che dovrà essere utilizzato senza ledere i diritti di proprietà intellettuale dei relativi autori.
- Si consiglia di non utilizzare questo servizio per l’invio e lo scambio di informazioni riservate o private.
Protezione dei dati personali
- SensusAccess© è un servizio fornito da un soggetto terzo. Le informazioni sul trattamento dei dati personali da parte di SensusAps sono reperibili al seguente link https://sensusaccess-it.blogspot.com/
- L'informativa sul trattamento dei dati relativi all’Università degli Studi di Brescia è reperibile al seguente link: https://www.unibs.it/it/protezione-dati-personali
UOC Inclusion, Participation and University Campus
Location: Via Valotti 3/B - 25133 Brescia
Opening: Monday - Thursday: 8.30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 12.00 a.m.
Support for Student with Disabilities and SLD
Mail: [email protected]
Support for University Commission for Disabilities
Mail: [email protected]
Tel. +39 0302016094
Tel. +39 0302016095
Tel. +39 0302016060
Service Desk online/ in presence:
Tuesdays 9:00-12:00 and Friday 9:00-12:00
Contact Center:
toll-free number 800 66 34 23
Monday-Friday: 8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
Please, open a ticket for information: