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Registration Procedures Esse3 - Student with SLD

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Registration procedure

If you are a student with a Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) pursuant to L. 170/2010 with a report issued by INPS and you have to register for a competition through Esse3, you will have to register and then register for the Admission Test.

If you need to use aids during the Test, you will need to upload the documentation in Esse3, by the date set out in each notice of competition.

To upload the documents on Esse3, click on Menù> Registrar's Office> Invalidity Declaration.

If you have not yet submitted your disability report, please follow the instructions at the following link:

When registering for the Test, you must fill in the "Ausili Richiesti" (Required aids) field. You will have to fill in according to which are the aids you require for each competition.

If you do not need aids, you can specify "no aid required".

Please follow the instructions below:


In order to benefit from aids, you must submit the Diagnosis of Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) by the L. 170/2010.

In case of Specific Learning Disorders, as established by L. 170/2010 (art. 3) and the subsequent Accordo Stato Regioni del 25/7/2012, it is necessary to produce suitable updated diagnostic certification, including neurological examination and neuropsychological tests, issued no more than 3 years ago by structures of the Italian National Healthcare System or by structures and specialists accredited by this institution.


The University, in order to guarantee uniform and equal treatment, has decided to extend the ministerial indications above also to the admission tests for programs with local management.


If you are a student with a Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) pursuant to L. 170/2010 who has made an appropriate request at the time of registration for each individual test and who has attached appropriate certification, you can take advantage of aids that will be evaluated in based on your request, your specific situation, and on the basis of current legislation on admission competitions.

You will be informed on which are the aids that will be granted to you during the Admission Tests will be sent to the email address you have provided during the online registration.

For any further information, you can send an email to the office staff at [email protected].


UOC Inclusion, Participation and University Campus

Via Valotti 3/B - 25133 Brescia

Support for: students with disabilities and SLD

[email protected]

Support for: University Commission for Disabilities

[email protected]

Monday - Thursday: 8.30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 12.00 a.m.

Tel. +39 0302016094
Tel. +39 0302016095
Tel. +39 0302016060

Service Desk online/ in presence:
Tuesdays 9:00-12:00 and Friday  9:00-12:00

Contact Center:
toll-free number 800 66 34 23
Monday-Friday: 8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

Please, open a ticket for information:

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