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How to prepare for work

Nowadays, finding your way around the working world calls for specific skills...


First and foremost, you have to set yourself specific goals and make decisions before you start out, ensuring you bear the recipient of the application in mind. Applying to a recruiting firm is altogether different to applying to an individual company. In the second case, the recipient will look favourably on applications that are personalised, not generic.

If you take part in an event (see Careerday 2021), you can meet a number of companies: you must choose a limited number of companies beforehand, analyse their details and HR or placement sections of their websites to get a specific idea of the types of jobs offered, the job locations (in Italy or abroad), and any selection requirements. The CV and the motivation letter accompanying it must be personalised.  The “skills” set out in the CV must respond specifically to the recipient’s expectations!



The following are essential: 1) a curriculum vitae in European format, or personalised (in this case it must be personalised with expert help), and 2) a letter of presentation/motivation.

The curriculum must expressly mention the recipient of the application. The accompanying letter must set out, in a few lines (well formatted– ask an expert in word processing for help) the reasons why it should be clear to everyone that you are the ideal candidate for that job!

Read the guidelines in the link below.



You must introduce yourself effectively. And an effective presentation begins with your social media profiles! Your LinkedIn profile will undoubtedly be visited by recruiters working with the companies contacted. Make sure your profile is up-to-date; your hiring prospects depend on it! Upload a sober, professional photo to your profile (leave your bathing costumes, beer glasses and fancy cocktails for your Facebook or Instagram pages).

When you meet in person, present yourself with a professional “outfit” , whether the job is a technical post or a commercial/social position.


Would you like to try? Put yourself to the test with us and find out if you are ready.  We organise individual and group interviews!

To book an individual interview, write to [email protected]

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