Advisory Board

Il Rettore o la Rettrice può istituire, con proprio decreto, un Comitato dei sostenitori e delle sostenitrici.

A tale Comitato possono partecipare persone fisiche e rappresentanti di persone giuridiche pubbliche e private, del panorama nazionale e internazionale, che si impegnino a favorire l’attività istituzionale dell’Università anche tramite l’erogazione di contributi finanziari.

La partecipazione al Comitato non dà luogo ad alcuna forma di compenso, emolumento e indennità.

The Advisory Board was set up, pursuant to Art. 7, sub-paragraph 12 of the University Statute, with Rector’s Decree 385 of 23 May 2019.


Both individuals and representatives of public and private legal entities who undertake to promote the institutional work of the university, also through the provision of financial contributions, take part in the Board.

The Board serves in office until the end of the Rector’s mandate.


Jeffrey Sachs, world-famous economics lecturer, author of bestsellers, innovative professor and global leader in sustainable development. He has distinguished himself not only for the excellence reached in his studies but also in the international actions on economic development for the solution of world problems such as the fight against poverty, starvation and disease. In 2018, he received an Honorary degree in Green Economy from the University of Brescia.
Carla Locatelli, Full Professor of Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature at the University of Trento, former Senior Fulbright Fellow at the University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA) and Pro-rector for internationalisation at the University of Trento.
Amalia Ercoli Finzi, Honorary Professor in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano, a scientist and aerospace engineer, active in the most accredited space entities and paying attention to women in scientific faculties, especially Aerospace Engineering.
Alberto Mantovani, doctor, an academic in the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and Professor in General Pathology at Humanitas University, a university dedicated to Medicine and Life Sciences. He is scientific director of the IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas (Humanitas Research Hospital); respected for the value of his research and his prestige in international scientific literature.
Natalino Irti, Full Professor of Civil Law at the ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome, an  academic in the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, chairman of the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi storici (Italian Historical Studies Institute) and co-editor of many legal journals. He is a well-known expert and critic in the foundations of law field, especially the dynamics of civil law.


Last updated on: 26/04/2024