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Athlete Student

Dual Career Programme for athlete students

Dual Career programme of University of Brescia wants to support high level athlete students in combining agonistic sporting commitment and university career, safeguarding the right to study for those who practise competitive sports. Thanks to a targeted project, they can follow a study career useful for future employments at the end of their sporting career. Dual Career project means to facilitate the student in the following activities:

  • practise of sports belonging to National Sports Federations and associated CONI sports;
  • International competitions (World competitions, Olympic/Paralympic Games, World Cup, “Universiadi “, World University Championships)
  • Team trainings in preparation of the a.m. competitions

Programme’s facilities

Joining Dual Career programme and the athlete student status give right to the following facilities, for all degree programmes of the University:

  • The recognition of the sports activities certified by the reference Federation as educational credits (CFU credits) up to a maximum of 12 CFU credits in total (free choice) – decided by the Degree course and Department councils:
    - up to 6 CFU credits for sports at Olympic, World and European level;
    - up to 3 CFU credits for sports at regional or national level;
    - up to 6 CFU credits for a podium in the National University Championships organised by CUSI as well as for agonistic federal activities for CUS Brescia (the University Sports Centre), also in national and regional competitions;
  • Extraordinary calls are reserved for athlete-students involved in competitions if the sporting commitments (competitions, training and related transfers) clash with the exam calendar. The alternative date of the exam has to be agreed with the referent professor directly by the student, certifying the engagement, at least 15 days before the event;
  • A dedicated tutor chosen by the reference Department as referent for problems related to career, lessons attendance, study and exams, teaching material, information about exam programmes, and so on;
  • Possibility of enrolling as part-time student if provided for by the Degree programme;
  • Free access to the University’s sports facilities;
  • Certification of the specific athlete student curriculum in the Supplement Diploma;
  • For students of the Degree Course in Sports Sciences, exemption from attendance for technical-practical courses related to the sports played;
  • At the discretion of the Programme Boards and the Department Boards, flexible attendance measures.


The athlete student status in Dual Career programme is attributed to students who are regularly enrolled – in course or out of course – in Degree Courses of this University, who practise sports at a competitive level, affiliated to a National Sports Federation (FSN) or Associated sport discipline (DSA) of CONI or CIP who meet the following requirements:

  • Athlete involved in training to summer and winter Olympic Games/Paralympics in the 12 months before the submission of the application;
  • Athlete of national teams who has been called up member of a national teams of FSN/DSA of CONI/CIP at least once in the twelve years before the submission of the application;
  • Athlete of individual sports qualifying in the top 32 places of the national classification (senior or youth) of FSN/DSA of CONI/CIP at the moment of the submission of the application for the academic year;
  • Athlete of “national interest” certified by the reference national sports federation;
  • Athlete of team sports who participates, at the moment of the submission of the application, in the most important championship organised by the reference FSN/DSA; for the team sports of FSN with a professional sector, the participation in the championship is valid even if this last is just lower than the highest category.


These are the merit requirements for the admission to the Dual Career programme:

Year of enrollment

Merit requirements

1°year of a Degree programme and Single Cycle Degree Programme

No requirements

1°year of Master’s Degree

Graduating from the First Cycle degree with a score of at least 90/110

2°year of a course of study at any level

Minimum Number of CFUs earned between 11 August of the previous year and 10 August of the current year):

-10 CFUs in case of full time enrolment

- 5 CFUs in case of part-time enrolment

Years after the 2°of a course of study at any level

Minimum Number of CFUs earned between 11 August of the previous year and 10 August of the current year):

-20 CFUs in case of full time enrolment

-10 CFUs in case of part-time enrolment


Students who want to joint the programme must submit the attached form, duly completed and signed, within 16th October, with the attached ID, to this e-mail address:

[email protected]


U.O.C.C. Segreteria Studenti
Via San Faustino, 74/b - Brescia

800 663423 - Numero verde gratuito
attivo dalle 8-18 - dal lunedì al venerdì

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