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Department administration

This page lists and describes the various services of the Department's Administration. To find out about the personnel and contacts of each service, access the specific pages through the appropriate links on the related pages.

Administrative secretariat

The service collaborates with other competent offices, dealing with the administrative management of the department (contracts, project management, personal data, etc.).

Didactic Secretariat

The service provides support in the planning and administrative management of educational activities.

IT support

The service deals with the technical support relating to the services provided to users and to the audiovisual and multimedia equipment.

Linguistic Presidium

The service manages and organizes the activities of the Linguistic Collaborators.

Auxiliary services

The service deals with concierge activities, opening and closing classrooms and spaces, management of audiovisual equipment, etc.


The service provides valuable collaboration in the Teaching, Research and Third Mission activities of the Department.


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