The Department of Information Engineering is one of the three Departments in the Engineering macroarea of the University of Brescia. Its professors and researchers have decades of experience in different engineering areas: Mathematical Analysis, Bioengineering, Electromagnetic Fields, Physics of Matter, Fundamental Physics of Nuclei and Elementary Particles, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Informatics, Robotics, Electrical and Electronic Measurement, Operations Research and Telecommunications.
Teaching and Research are our priorities.
In Teaching, the Department of Information Engineering offers three Bachelor’s (First Cycle) degrees, three Master’s (Second Cycle) degrees and two Ph.D. programmes.
In both basic and applied research, it is acknowledged for its excellent activities and stands out in the leading national and international rankings.
The Department of Information Engineering has lots of teaching and research laboratories with the latest equipment for innovative teaching, research and third mission, also in the local commitment.
Prof. Fabio Baronio, Department Director
A group of members from the Department of Information Engineering is available for meetings with first-year students. This service, active throughout the academic year, can be particularly helpful during the initial contact with the University to address any problems or doubts that students may encounter in transitioning from secondary school to university. To avail of the service and request an appointment, it is sufficient to send an email to Primo Anno DII. You will then be contacted by a faculty member of the group to arrange a meeting, either in person or online. The service does not address specific course topics but helps students better understand the university context, the structure of the education offered in the chosen degree program, and the study methodology to successfully tackle exams. Read more for further information.
Direttore: Prof. Fabio Baronio
Vice Direttore: Prof. Devis Bianchini
via Branze 38 - 25123 Brescia (BS)
Tel: +39 030 29881
PEC: [email protected]