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Department of Excellence 2018-2022

In 2018 the Department of Information Engineering was awarded the prestigious MIUR recognition of "Department of Excellence 2018-2022" as well as a total funding of more than 7 million euros over the next 5 years.

The ambitious DII 4.0 project, selected by MIUR for funding, focuses on the following comprehensive topics:

Data and Knowledge Engineering (Information Systems, Databases, Web and Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems, Data Science, Data Mining and Machine Learning, Human-Machine Interaction, Operations Research, Inverse Problems and Adaptive Control);
Enabling Technologies (Electronic Instrumentation, Microelectronics, Microelectromechanical Systems, Electromagnetic Fields and Circuits, Photonics, Communications, Bioengineering and Nanotechnologies).
More information on the projects active in each of these areas and the laboratories supporting these activities are available in the Research and Laboratories sections.

DII is home to five degree courses (two first level and three second level). It is also home to two PhD programmes. The Department is also home to numerous advanced courses aimed at strengthening relations with the economic and social tissue. The DII 4.0 project aims to enhance the DII training offer and increase its quality and usability, also including interdepartmental educational initiatives. More information on educational and professional training activities are available in the Teaching section.

The strength of the DII is the presence of researchers of recognized international profile; the numerous collaborations existing outside the national territory also make DII a pole of attraction for researchers and professors from abroad. The DII 4.0 project aims to further strengthen these activities.

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