Law Department (DIGI)
The Law Department was established in 2012 (with resolution of the University Board of Directors no. 248/15214 on 28/02/2012).
The Department combines different experiences and skills, completing them with innovative projects. The main goal is to promote interdisciplinary knowledge, both on the educational and research side with a special focus, obviously, on legal studies; however, it is not limited to them due to the versatile and multidisciplinary approach of the Department. Therefore, the educational offer, the research programmes and the teaching staff reflect this approach, with a focus on legal studies.
Since the very beginning, special attention has been devoted to projects of internationalisation and connection with local and national institutions, as proved by the active agreements that allow students to carry out early internships at lawyer, notary or employment consultant’s bar associations. The educational programme of the Department includes subjects from different scientific fields, offering a wide range of competences and skills.

Via San Faustino 41, 25121 Brescia
Tel. 0302989.641 - 0302989.648
VAT No.: 01773710171 Tax code: 98007650173
PEC: [email protected]
Events: [email protected]