

To obtain your final qualification, you must be up- to-date with tuition payments, possess an approved study plan, have passed your exams, and submit a degree application following the instructions published on this page. 


Only students enrolled in the last academic year of their degree programme may submit a final exam application. 
The online procedure consists of two steps: 

1st step: Insert the title of your final dissertation  and the name of your Supervisor, with whom you will need to have agreed on the final dissertation  title;

2nd step: Insert your final exam application. 
Before submitting your final exam application online, you must: 

  • read carefully the instructions published in the next paragraph;
  • check / update your personal information (place of residence, domicile, e-mail address, IBAN code, telephone number) in the Home> Personal information menu of your personal page. You will receive university communications at the last address you provided on your personal page. You are encouraged to keep your personal information updated even after graduating; 
  • have submitted the title of your final dissertation , agreed with your Supervisor, within the deadline set by the Degree Course regulations;
  • have completed the Alma Laurea Questionnaire;
  • from your student page Degree Menu> Almalaurea;
  • be up-to-date with the payment of all fees and taxes (check your payments list on your personal page in Home> Payments), including possible arrears.


All the  detailed guidelines on the procedure to submit your final exam  application and the required attachments are published below.

La dichiarazione di autenticità, disponibile alla pagina Modulistica del portale di Ateneo, deve essere caricata tra gli allegati carriera; lo slot di upload sara disponibile al percorso Carriera > Allegati Carriera dopo il caricamento dell'elaborato finale.

Per i corsi che richiedono il caricamento del solo frontespizio la dichiarazione di autenticità non è richiesta.

L'elaborato finale deve essere firmato, digitalmente o con firma autografa nell'ultima pagina prima della bibliografia, dal laureando. Nel caso di lavoro condiviso ogni laureando dovrà caricare una copia della tesi recante la sola propria firma.

I laureandi in corsi che prevedono il caricamento del solo frontespizio dovranno far controfirmare il documento dal docente relatore.

Students who register for the last extraordinary final exam session of the academic year and fail to graduate within the Spring session will have to register and pay all the installments due for the upcoming academic year, even if they have no other exams left. 

Students resuming their studies after an interruption will not be able to graduate in any academic years preceding the resumption. They will be able to graduate with any of the ordinary sessions and will have to pay the whole tuition fee for the current academic year.

If, for any reason, you decide to withdraw your degree application, you must fill in the dedicated "Withdrawal of final exam” application and send it together with a copy of your ID to the email address of your course's Career Management UOC.

The form is available from the Student Secretariat > Graduation exam forms section.



Last updated on: 19/04/2024