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SPID is the Public System for Digital Identity Management that allows network access to Italian Public Administration services with a single credential system.

Thanks to SPID, every citizen can access the online services of Public Administrations and Companies with a single authentication system (login / password) and no longer with specific keys and codes for each administration or company.

The SPID accreditation system is part of the Italian Digital Agenda: a European-wide project dedicated to the development of technologies, innovation and the digital economy.

You can request SPID credentials from the related site.

Through a simple procedure to verify the identity of users, it will be possible to have credentials that allow access to different areas of the Public Administration.

The Agency for Digital Italy has activated the SPID system since March 15, 2016. Our University also adheres to SPID, accepting this authentication system for access to online services.

The following services are NOT accessible with SPID:

  • IMAP, POP3 or SMTP protocols for e-mail;
  • VPN service (OpenVPN)
  • Access to wireless and wired networks

Staff Account

The account consists of a Username and Password which must be entered on the login page every time you need to use services reserved for University employees.

Account assignment takes place automatically, i.e. based on the information present in the University Information Systems.

Persons not registered in the University information systems cannot request accounts.

As of January 1, 2010, accounts are normally built with the following rule:

Username: name.surname
Password: "randomly generated"

Accounts generated before January 1, 2010 retain their original form.

Minimum requirements for creating an Account

In addition to the personal data, at least the following information must be entered in the University information systems:

  • a private e-mail address external to the domain (elective e-mail);
  • type of relationship with the University (for example: Contract Professors role, Collaboration profile on official courses);
  • Start and end date of the relationship;
  • Organizational affiliation.

Delivery and loss of credentials

The delivery of the account takes place by sending an e-mail message to the elective e-mail address of the person concerned containing an activation link for the account itself.

Upon successful activation, an email containing the account password will be sent to the same address.

If the user does not remember their elective email delivered at the time of service, they can check it and possibly update it by changing the profile from MyPortal.

Duration of accounts

The account becomes valid from the start date of the relationship and expires on 31 December of the year following the end of the relationship with the University.

If the relationship with the University is reactivated, the same account as the previous relationship will be delivered.

Student Account

The account allows the students to operate on all careers that students have undertaken in any course of study at the University of Brescia.

The account is valid for all IT services offered by the University such as Esse3, access to Wireless networks, access to library services, etc.

The institutional e-mail address assigned to students coincides with the account in the domain.


[email protected].

The delivery of the account takes place at the end of the registration phase.
If the student forgets his username or password, he can activate the related services on the Login page of the portal.

The elective email is always visible from the pages of Esse3. If you do not remember your elective email, the student must contact the Student Secretariat of his subject area.

Duration of accounts
The account becomes valid from the date of registration on the University portal.

The account does not expire and allows the use of the university's IT services in relation to one's career position (Esse3, e-mail, wireless networks, bibliographic resources, etc.).

6 months after graduation, the student's account is inhibited from all IT services with the exception of e-mail.

If the student is in an irregular career position, on 31 December of the year following the last year of enrollment, the account will be inhibited from all IT services except for e-mail.

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