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The annual agreement with Mathworks Total Academic Headcount (TAH), Campus MATLAB & Simulink Full Suite is active. The TAH licence enables professors, students and other members of the university to access the software through university-owned computers throughout the structure. Professors, other members of the institution and students can also install the MathWorks software on their personal computers for teaching and public research.

TAH licences support three configurations: Campus, Student and Simultaneous Access for the university calculating equipment (only for IT technicians).

Access the MATLAB Campus community for instructions on how to obtain the software by clicking on this link: MATLAB Campus

The following are available during the validity of the licence:

  • Access to new functions: using the new product functions made available in the general releases twice a year;
  • Direct technical assistance: by telephone, email and web guaranteed by specialised designers;
  • Corrections of bugs: through the six-monthly general release and periodic updates via web;
  • MATLAB Academic Online Training Suite.
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