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Academic Senate

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Among its functions, the Academic Senate formulates proposals and mandatory opinions on teaching, research and student services, as well as on the activation, modification or suppression of Departments, Faculties, courses of study and their possible decentralised articulations, performing coordination functions with the Departments and coordinating structures.

In addition, the Senate:

  • gives its mandatory opinion on the annual budget and forecast planning, on the three-year budget and forecast planning, on the annual budget and the consolidated budget;
  • gives its opinion on proposals for the establishment or participation of the University in inter-university centres, consortia, foundations or associations;
  • gives its opinion, and in case there is no charge, approves contracts and agreements relating to teaching, scientific and civic engagement activities;
  • approves, by absolute majority of its members, the General Regulations of the University and all regulations, after receiving the favourable opinion of the Board of Directors, including those relating to departments and coordinating structures, teaching, student services and research. In addition, it approves the Code of Ethics and resolves, by a qualified majority of two thirds of its members, on any modifications to the University Statute, after having received the favourable opinion of the absolute majority of the Board of Directors.

The Academic Senate is chaired by the Rector and consists of 21 members: 15 professors and researchers, 2 representatives of the executive and technical-administrative staff and 4 representatives of the student. The term of office of each member is four years and can be renewed once.

For further information please consult the Italian version of this page.

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