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University Board of Directors

The University Board of Directors (BoD) is responsible for strategic guidance, approval of the annual and three-yearly financial programming and that of staff, supervision of both the financial sustainability of activities and the conservation of the university’s real estate and property.

In addition, the Board of Directors:

  • subject to the mandatory opinion of the Academic Senate, it resolves on the activation or elimination of courses and of their office;
  • approves, by an absolute majority of its members and subject to the mandatory opinion of the Academic Senate, the University regulation, the University Administration and Accounting Regulations and the  Regulation of student fees and contributions;
  • it approves the single annual authorised budget for authorisation of expenditure, the single three-yearly budget, and the single financial and consolidated financial statements at the Rector’s proposal and subject to the opinion of the Academic Senate.

The BoD is responsible for the appointment of the Director General, approval of Departments’ proposals to call professors and university researchers formulated by the department.

The University Board of Directors consists of the Rector, who chairs it, two student representatives and another six members, selected based on a public announcement.

For further information please consult the Italian version of this page.

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U.O.C. Supporto Organi di Governo (Support to Governing Bodies)

Piazza Mercato 15, 25121 Brescia

Tel: +39 0302988203, +39 0302988219

e-mail: [email protected] 

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