
Foto Rettore

Francesco Castelli, Full Professor of Infectious diseases, is the Rector of the University of Brescia for the six academic years 2022-2028.

The Rector is the legal representative of the university and holder of the direction,  initiative and co-ordination functions of scientific and educational activities. S/He is the common denominator in the university governing bodies and presides over the Academic Senate and University Board of Directors, proposing the Director General, designating the Vice-Rector and, if necessary using pre-selected Deputy Rectors and Delegates.

The Rector is elected from serving Full Professors at the university or other Italian universities and remains in office for a mandate of six years which is not renewable.

Vice-Rector and Delegates

In accordance with the University Statute, the Rector appoints the Vice-Rector, who is chosen from among the professors of first class. 
The Pro-Rector exercises all the functions delegated to him/her (as specified in the relevant decree) and replaces all the functions of the Rector in the event of his/her absence or temporary incapacity.

The Rector  is entitled to appoint Vice-Rectors and Delegates in order to support his/her duties. They can be selected from the teaching staff or from the technical-administrative staff with specific skills (in this case he must consult the General Director). 

Vice-Rectores and Delagates are appointed by a decree which defines their functions.




Rector’s Administrative Office
Piazza del Mercato 15, 25121 Brescia BS
Tel. +39 030 2988201/206/259

[email protected]

Last updated on: 02/07/2024