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Evaluation Unit

The Evaluation Unit (NdV) checks the quality and effectiveness of the teaching offer, the research work done by the departments and the adequacy of the scientific or professional curriculum of holders of teaching contracts.

The NdV carries out the functions for the structures and staff evaluation procedure, coherent with the work of the Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR - the National Agency for the Assessment of the University and Research Systems), so that merit and improvement in individual and organisational performance can be promoted in the university completely independently and with its own organisational methods.

The NdV remains in office for four years and the mandate can be renewed just once. There are five members in the Unit - four with high-level professional qualifications, one of whom is a full professor of the university and one student representative. The internal professor is designated by the Academic Senate while the external members are designated by the Rector.


The curricula and fees of the Evaluation Unit are published in relation to the Organismo Indipendente di Valutazione (OIV - Independent Evaluation Entity) function pursuant to Art. 10, sub-paragraph 8(c), Legislative Decree 33/2013, and para. 14.2 CIVIT resolution 12/2013.

Regolamento del Nucleo di Valutazione di Ateneo


Chairperson University Evaluation Unit
[email protected]

Head of the U.O.C. Qualità, Statistiche e Reporting (Quality, Statistics and Reporting Office)
Piazza del Mercato 15, 25121 Brescia
[email protected]

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