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Merit awards

Merit awards can be total and partial and are automatically awarded to meritorious students who are regularly enrolled without any application from the interested parties.

The following reductions are applied ex officio.


Students who matriculate in A.Y. 2024/2025 for the first time in a three-year or single-cycle master's degree program who have graduated from high school with a top grade are exempt from the fee for the first year of the course.

Transfer students, repeat students, and students who already hold a bachelor's degree are not eligible for this exemption.


Graduates of the orders provided for by Ministerial Decree 509/99 and subsequent amendments who enroll in a master's degree course are partially exempt from the all-inclusive fee, for the first year of the course, in the amount of € 200,00 in the event that they have graduated from the University of Brescia with a grade of at least 100 out of 110 and have completed the course of study conferring the degree within the normal duration, without validation of educational activities from previous careers or enrollments.


A reduction of € 450,00 on the all-inclusive annual contribution (second and third installment) is granted to students who meet the conditions listed below and have jointly achieved the merit threshold with reference to both formative credits and weighted average grade, with regard to the course they belong to and the year of enrollment of the previous academic year.

This threshold is determined, for each course and year of study, on the basis of the attendance distribution of CFUs and weighted average grade and is identified at the 75th percentile of both attendance distributions as of October 31. The reduction is applied ex officio on the third installment and possibly backward on the second installment as well. Beneficiaries are identified among those who are enrolled for the 2024/2025 academic year by I November 30, 2024.

Conditions for qualifying for the reduction are:

  • have been enrolled at the University of Brescia for a number of years not exceeding the normal duration of the course of study, including course transitions.
  • not having interrupted or waived their studies, not having intermediate out-of-course or repeating conditions in their career at the University of Brescia or other universities; not having incurred a forfeiture also at other universities; not having applied for and obtained career abbreviations;
  • not have already acquired a previous bachelor's or master's degree, with the exception of those who enroll in a master's degree program after having obtained a three-year degree;
  • be in good standing with contributions, including past contributions;
  • have earned, in the 12 months prior to Oct. 31, at least 40 CFUs.

CFUs and grades related to activities recognized in careers other than those of the Course in which one is enrolled are not considered, except for course transitions and incoming transfers, without prejudice to the date of verbalization of the examinations on the career subject of the award.
CFUs and grades from supernumerary and extracurricular exams are not considered.
CFUs and grades related to validated exams are not considered with the exception of CFUs and grades related to international mobility programs held during the regular enrollment period.
Examinations with pass/fail judgment are not considered.

The reduction by merit threshold cannot, in any case, exceed the amount of university contribution originally owed by the student.

A.Y. 2024/2025 MERIT TABLE

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